
Daylight Savings Time and Kids

Springing forward!

By Sandra Ochoa, Holistic Child Sleep Consultant & Postpartum Doula from Happy Nest Center March 5, 2020

When the clock's time changes an hour earlier or later, my best advice is to put your baby to sleep according to the new time. If his/her bedtime is around 7 pm and you moved the clock forward an hour, her old 7 pm is now 8 pm. Put her down to sleep at the new clock time of 7 pm. A lot of social cues in the family such as active or quiet times, meals, bathing, outdoor playtime is adjusted with the time change, and these social cues help regulate your child’s body clock.

Here there are a few tips that can help you to ease the transition:


  • As much as you love to have some ME-time after your kids go to bed, I really encourage you to jump into bed and go to sleep as soon as possible the night before changing the clock. So you can feel more rested the day after.


  • Expect some extra fussiness for naps and bedtime. Avoid doing any over-stimulating activity before bedtime, instead offer a long wind-down at bedtime with stories, baby massages, and extra cuddles.
  • Don’t forget to have an inviting sleep environment, darkroom, ideal temperature, etc.
  • Offer meals and change pajamas at least half an hour earlier, in case your child gets super fussy, so you’re ready to put her down to sleep.
  • Take deep breaths and do your best to show sympathy to your child, the change is as hard for her as it is for you. 
  • Be patient! Patience is your secret weapon! Keep in mind that it will take less than a week for your child’s internal clock to adapt to the time change. Keep a consistent schedule routine and don’t fall into the temptation to create habits that you won’t be happy to implement in the long term.


  • Everything is back to normal. Happy ending :)

Sandra Ochoa

Holistic Child Sleep Consultant

Postpartum Doula

Phone: 347-656- 6522

Mark your calendar for the next daylight savings time so you can begin spacing bedtime out in 15 minute increments weeks ahead of time: November 1, 2020.


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