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Community Effort to create Library in Africa

Supporting a local military family's mission

By Jessica Kline, Publisher + Editor Macaroni Kid Clifton-Montclair November 2, 2021

I have a very big request, but first, our story: two years ago my husband returned from a one-year deployment to East Africa (Djibouti). The month he returned, the Montclair community and extended area generously donated 130 pounds of Halloween candy to us. We then shipped it overseas to the troops stationed at Camp Lemonnier in Africa; the military has always been part of us but now the African community is included as well.

COVID hampered our efforts last year, but this year we are creating a children’s library in Africa (Kenya) through the African Library Project. In order to create a library, we must donate 1000 books; however, our lofty goal is 2000 books to create 2 libraries!  We need your help to reach our goal with the books!

  • WHAT TYPE OF BOOKS? Grades: preschool - 4th grade, paperback books are needed (due to the weight restrictions), nothing political, religious, or nationalist (no books about US holidays, US history, religion, etc).
  • WHERE? We have two drop-off sites, there will be bins located outside through the end of the year.

If you need more time to clean off your shelves, don’t worry, we are collecting through the end of December! If you don’t have books but still want to donate, we started a GoFundMe where monetary donations will be used to fill any gaps in the grades that are missing books. An additional option is to order from this Amazon wish list.

Thank you so much for supporting our cause as we feel that literacy is so important and all children should have access to books!

-Mary Fourte

Note from your publisher: we will be collecting your book donations at our Holiday Extravaganza in an effort to do our part to contribute to the African Library Project. We love that we can teach our children about giving back this holiday season!