
Tinkergarten with Miss Jen

Designed by experts, loved by teachers, parents and kids, Tinkergarten gets kids ages 1 1/2 to 8 learning outside. Kids who participate get the physical and mental benefits of increased time outdoors and build a lasting connection to nature.Each season, we help children to develop one of our 8 core skills kids need to become curious, capable learners who can contribute to their world. This Winter, we focus on persistence— the ability to stick with something, meet challenges and push ahead in order to either reach our goals, learn and grow. Each lesson is inspired by a different, persistent animal superhero. The series lessons follow a steady progression and are organized into three units: In our Survivors and Thrivers unit (lessons 1-3), we introduce creatures with amazing abilities to survive the winter and discover that we, too have tools to help us thrive and play outdoors all 4 seasons. In our Hard Workers unit (lessons 4-6), we get inspiration from creatures who help us focus on effort and repetition. In our final Clever Creators Unit (lessons 7-9), we play like creatures who build and create— a great tie-in to our Spring Creativity series! Winter lessons start the first week of January - register now to reserve your spot!